We have compiled the most frequently asked questions on this page to help our users. This page consists of two sections: Common Ordering Questions and Technical Support Questions.If there is something you'd like to know about Cell Spy and you can't find the answer to your question here, feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to help!
After you have decided to purchase, go to the purchase page. Click the Buy Now link for the billing frequency you would like. Follow the screens and enter the requested information to purchase online. We accept VISA, Mastercard, Eurocard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover/Novus, Dankort /VISA, Postepay (Visa), JCB (Japan Credit Bureau), Carte Bleue ("Blue Card"), Solo. Payment options may vary depending on your country of residence. Select your preferred payment method once you proceed to Checkout.
↑ UpIf you are not fully satisfied with your purchase of Cell Spy, you may be eligible for a full refund within 10 days. However, before you go about requesting a refund, we encourage you to contact customer support to help resolve any arising issues. If you experience troubles with our software we will work with you to resolve the issues in a timely manner. No refund can be issued to customers in case their reasons for a refund are completely beyond our control (by example if the monitored phone does not have Internet access).
↑ UpAs soon as your payment is processed, please check your mailbox. Make sure you check both Inbox and Spam folders because sometimes automatically generated emails may be mistakenly classified as Spam. You will receive two emails: one from the billing company confirming your payment, and the other containing a link to your personal online Control Panel (data storage) and your login credentials.
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Cell Spy is designed for legal uses, including:
We offer four levels of Cell Spy technical assistance:
Cell Spy is compatible with smartphones and tablets that run:
Cell Spy is inconspicuous and runs in a discreet operating mode without slowing the device down. It does not create distractions for the person using the device because it does not result in any pop-ups, alerts, or notifications; it stays quietly in the background.
↑ UpYes, you will need about 5 minutes of physical access to the device for successful installation. Once fully installed, Cell Spy will begin sending monitored data logs to your personal Control Panel.
↑ UpFor Installation of Cell Spy for jailbroken devices, you are required to physically install the Cell Spy app onto a user’s device, afterwhich you may sign into your account using the login details provided to you in your confirmation email. The installation wizard will guide you through the quick and easy installation process.
↑ UpCell Spy can easily be uninstalled from your monitored device. You can find detailed information on the un-installation process through the Help section of your account.
↑ UpOnce Cell Spy is set up on the monitored device and is connected to our server, the information will be automatically uploaded to the Control Panel of your personal account.
↑ UpYou can expect to receive updates based on the Update Interval you have selected. The Update Interval specifies how often Cell Spy is connected to our server and transfers information directly to your Control Panel. When manually adjusting Update Interval from your account, please note that short update intervals (less than 10 min) may consume considerable battery life.
↑ UpThe monitored device must be internet-enabled for Cell Spy to send the tracked information from the monitored device to your Control Panel. It uses both Wi-Fi and 3G/4G Internet connections. Once the information is uploaded to our server, it will be displayed in the Control Panel of your account.
↑ UpWith a Basic or Premium Cell Spy subscription, you can track only one device. However, you can change the monitored device as many times as you want without any additional fees by uninstalling from one device and installing on another. To be able to track multiple devices, purchase a separate Cell Spy subscription for each device. Need to track numerous devices? Select our Business subscription (5 devices under one account) and save up to 20%!
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Yes, it is required that iOS devices be jailbroken.* Once the device is jailbroken, the Cydia icon will appear on the home screen.
*By stating that iOS devices must be jailbroken in order to install Cell Spy, Cell Spy is not recommending you jailbreak your device; we are merely letting you know that jailbreaking is necessary if you wish to use the Cell Spy software. The process of jailbreaking is not supported by Apple, may void your warranty, and may make your device unstable. Choosing to jailbreak your device for any reason, including in order to install the Cell Spy software, is done at your own risk.
While the Jailbreak procedure voids your device’s warranty, it is completely reversible. Updating to the latest iOS version or restoring the phone to factory settings will restore the warranty. Please note, that once the device is updated or restored to factory state, Cell Spy will no longer work and you will need to Jailbreak and reinstall the software again for it to become operational.
↑ UpNothing will be displayed on iTunes or iCloud while the jailbroken device is connected. The target user will be able to download media and applications from iTunes and use iCloud in regular mode.
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Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system to attain privileged control (known as root access) within Android’s subsystem. Rooting is required only if you need to track the non-default applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Skype, and Gmail (available only to Premium account holders).
By stating that rooting is required in order to track certain non-default applications with Cell Spy, Cell Spy is not recommending you root your device; we are merely letting you know that rooting is necessary if you wish to use the Cell Spy software to track non-default applications. The process of rooting may void your warranty. Choosing to root your device for any reason, including using certain features of the Cell Spy software, is done at your own risk.
Our tracking software works regardless of the cellular carrier network or the location of the target device. It only requires internet connection to transfer data to your personal account. That means that Cell Spy will work wherever you may be on earth.
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